Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Great Unknown

I ran forward into the great unknown
with only a fanciful goal in mind
of exotic cars and beautiful girls
my youthful feet flew with limitless joy
energy aplenty carried me far

I looked back to admire my own progress
I had come far but yet not far enough
many other dreams still awaited me
a wife, children and a golden mansion
I still had enough fuel to get me there

I thrust ahead my life's work unceasing
on the way, a cute girl my wife became
and a child, another, soon there were three
four big mouths to feed as I forged ahead
I looked back to see how far I had come

I stumbled face first when sadly I saw
I had not come far from the starting line
my dreams were crushing me with their big weight
the wife, the children dangled from my limbs
I hit the ground hard, but I trudged ahead

I slowly crawled perhaps forward or not
someone to help was not visible now
then I saw a friend, a kind face I knew
he looked back at me then turned away cold
I fell again, harder, my heart betrayed

The world spun around my sad weary head
I looked to my limbs and the weights were gone
my people had fled and I was alone
my mind, my body, they had all transformed
no longer young, not filled with awesome joy

Breathing slow, I lay still wishing for death
when a stranger appeared inside my head
"don't just give up" he said "time still remains"
I looked back and still saw the starting place
"don't look back" he softly spoke "look to me"

He took a step forward and showed me how
to get off the rocky ground and stand again
I lifted my eyes, stepped slowly ahead
"keep your eyes on me and don't turn around...
...we have a ways to go, but not too far"

I stepped forward into the great unknown
like a baby, I teetered, but kept going
then with my old blurry eyes I saw it
the finish line at last and lo a crowd
of people I once knew, cheering me on

They happily yelled "Come on! It's not far!
You can finish it, you've almost done it!"
with gritted teeth and the last ounce of strength
I crossed the line as cheering filled the air
my true friend smiled and hugged me "you did it!"

I turned to the others and had a question
"Where were you when I needed you the most?
You left me to make this hard trip alone
a dead weight to me and cruelty you were
what kind of friends or family do that?"

My only friend said, "turn and now look back"
I looked around and with surprise I saw
the starting line not far away at all
millions of people were on the ground lying
being dragged forward by people on each limb

"You see," said my friend, "you didn't see what was...
...you only saw what you believed you saw"
he pointed at the rocks near each person
they were all the homes, the riches and dreams
obstacles all to finishing the race

"Each one must run this race twice but at once
struggling and unaware of the blessing
to help the others finish the race first
we find our way through the treacherous path
and we cross the finish line together"

I looked at my friend and felt more confused
"When did I help you? It was you who helped
only you picked me up when I was down"
He smiled and said, "But you did what I asked...
...the others watched you and you showed them how"

"You stepped forward into the great unknown
with a goal in mind but not the right one
you fell and you hurt and you felt alone...
...we see not ourselves or the witnesses
If we did, we know the race is never

By Kevin Lee

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